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Aurelio Monge

fotógrafo de Tarragona (#70)


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Miravet · · Admito TFCD

Some painters: "Of course, this is not art, but we would like to paint as you photograph."

Alfred Stieglitz: "I know nothing about art, but, for whatever reason, I've never tried to photograph as you paint."


I was born in Andalusia (Spain) in 1971.

From my childhood I enjoyed drawing and painting.

My first contact with the magic photo world was in 1988 while revealing my firsts black and white snapshots.

In 1991 I moved to Barcelona (Spain) and began doing some photography works while studying technical drawing.

In 1995 I had the chance to initiate into the world of printing and graphic arts, learning about printout and digital processing.

In 2002 Once settled in Miravet (Tarragona), I started working free-lance with photography and communication.

In 2009 After suffering a close-to-death experience, photography became a kind of refuge and the perfect way to explore new fields, to experiment new feelings and emotions. A passion or perhaps an imperious and intimate necessity. That is my passion bedrock of the human body, as well as the landscapes which offer, like an open window, the inner and deep mystery of the human soul, and at the same time, a particular frame for the ephemeral nature of all things including the life itself.

The project "ANIMA IN EXILIUM" (2009), was the first attempt to implement a new concept: a requiem and having in mind all the people who died during the fateful Spanish Civil War. It was selected and exhibited during the Art Biennale of Corbera d'Ebre (Tarragona, Spain).

All the more, my portfolio is impregnated by a vision to the academy an interest founded on the Greco-Roman Culture and the Great Masters of Art (with special emphasis in Caravaggio, Velazquez and Ribera) not to mention all classical sculpture representatives.

As a result emerged the series ACADEMICS: honoring Caravaggio (2009-2011).

In 2011 I exhibited at the Art Biennale of Corbera d'Ebre (Spain) the conceptual photographic project "ANIMA INIQUA" regarding the topic of “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

Since then I am working on new series that I use to call "ANIMAE".

Photography is for me a kind of philosophy. 

A way to explore the human psychology and myself.

A path that allows me to dive into a new dimension of life experience and man's relationship with the surrounding world.

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